Acute Pancreatitis
Acute epigastric pain + Nausea and vomiting
Elevated Amylase and Lipase ( 2-3 times above ULN )
1. CBC, BUN, Cr, Ca, TG, LFT
2. Abdominopelvic Sonography
3. Abdominal CT scan ( Pancreatic protocol )
در موارد شدید یا طول کشیده یا شک در تشخیص
4. Lipase and Amylase
5. Diet : NPO ( Till resolving nausea )
6. IV hydration ( Ringer , for 12-24 hrs. ) then maintenance
7. Meperidine 25 – 50 mg IV PRN
8. Pantazole 40 mg IV Bid
9. Check Intake and Output